Success Stories

A few stories we’d like to share….


1. Ashley


MY name is Ashley and I am 15 years old. When I was 7, I was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and it changed my life.

After my diagnosis, I had extensive physical and occupational therapy twice a week and also in school. These helped me with everything from balancing to writing. Other kids thought I was different, or in their words “weird.” In class, I remember having a hard time focusing. All the noises would affect me so much, so I would have to hold my hands over my ears.

One day, we were going over our lesson and our teacher told us we have guests. I remember meeting Katherine, she was so funny, the other girls were nice to me as well. They gave me some really cute pink headphones, and the teacher let me wear them. They blocked out so much of the distracting noises. All the other kids really liked them. There have been some tough times, but I am so grateful for all the support and all that I have done; I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am in all Honors classes. Each year, I accomplish more and more.


2. Alex


I realize it’s hard for people to understand what life is like when you have a special needs child. They see you doing a thousand things and give you credit for all your strength and perseverance; but they don’t really know the depth of your struggles.

There is a constant theme of hitting roadblocks when engaging with the medical community and dealing with insurance companies. Cutting through all the red tape is no easy task and some days you’re left feeling completely overwhelmed. It’s hard to express in words the dedication, determination, and tolerance you must find within yourself to help your child progress…and somehow still maintain a sunny disposition!

I am so appreciative of Positive Circle for giving us the gift of a weighted blanket and noise cancelling headphones. It’s amazing the drastic change that happened in Alex. The tasks that seemed like a nightmare before, have become much easier to do; sitting in doctors waiting rooms, traveling every day to a different therapy, even going on a plane so we can visit grandparents. I want everyone to know how these tools help our everyday life. I can’t thank you all enough for the thoughtfulness and kindness that you’ve shown Alex.

-Susan, Mother


3. Madison


We’ve seen a world of difference in our daughter, Madison. Understand our daughter’s sensory needs have allowed us to enjoy our vacations and expose her to new places and experiences. Madison has grown so much more confident in her abilities and has enjoyed ballet classes and horseback riding. She was also able to give a science presentation at school and placed second in her age group. None of this would have been possible without Positive Circle’s sensory tools.

-Candace, Mother